Chaining doesn't appear to be supported with custom variables, but I was able to use variable key-value pairs in combination with Regex (I'm using InfluxDB) to get something approximating the required functionality. Variable syntax | Grafana Labs Add a query variable | Grafana Labs For example, if we want to exclude all topics which starting with "_confluent" we can use the following wildcard REGEX in our query: topic!~".+confluent.+". Variables in Query Regex Expression - Prometheus - Grafana ... For the templating variable setup, I've create a variable called "series" with a Variable Values Query of "list series". Example Variable Regex Grafana [NQ67EZ] It is currently unused in Prometheus. The following examples should help you understand how label_values . This is how to set up CDF events as annotations to a graph in Grafana: Navigate to your dashboard's settings, and select Annotations from the left side. It's a really hacky workaround but you can stack variables. Templating - Grafana-Zabbix Documentation Use /. Use the variable in a Grafana panel. The regex stage is a parsing stage that parses a log line using a regular expression. For example, does every instance start with "sgrvrthf"? count_over_time : Shows the total count of log lines for time range. One way to add dynamic data to Grafana is by using variables. UPDATE 12/2021: See further explanations/answers in story responses!. In a panel, we wish to display parameter data where the user can select one or more device IDs from the devices list to have them displayed in the panel. It is a great alternative to Power Bi, Tableau, Qlikview, and several others in the domain, though all these are great business intelligence visualization tools.. Grafana dashboards can be used for many purposes. The SampleResult variable gives the script full access to all the fields and methods in the SampleResult. There are some built-in template variables available for using in functions: $__range_ms - panel time range in ms $__range_s - panel time range in seconds $__range - panel time range, string representation (30s, 1m, 1h) $__range_series - invoke function over all series values; Examples: Learn more about formatting of variables in the Grafana documentation (opens new window). I'll walk you through a simple example using Prometheus and the Prometheus Jenkins Plugin t. Message me on LinkedIn: Let's try and understand what's happening here and how Grafana variables work. Grafana variables ︎. Grafana Legend Substring Excel Only the third query, without variable, returns the intended result. Grafana Variable Regex Example. query2 ${var1} or query2 ${var1:csv} or any expression which has a ':' followed by the glob/regex/pipe/csv I have a dashboard with these variables: first second third From my prometheus datasource, my metric have these labels: 001:first:label:x 001:first:label:y 002:second:label:x 002:second:label:y 003:third:label:x 003:third:label:y In my dashboard panel query, I would like to get the metric values from the labels per variable. move dataFramesReceived event to @grafana/data (cherry picked from commit 7e6ac12) * Explore: Revert . Use regular expressions in Flux. I could replace all PromLoki queries with the same query on Loki datasource. Check out my REGEX COOKBOOK article about the most commonly used (and most wanted) regex . For example, if you have a series of four linked variables (country, region, server, metric) and you change a root variable value (country), then Grafana must run queries for all the dependent variables before it updates the visualizations in the dashboard. First of all, make the data source a variable so that the dashboard is not limited to any specific Prometheus instance. expression needs to be a Go RE2 regex string. Elasticsearch Metrics - Uses ad hoc filters, global variables, and a custom variable. label_values (metric, label) Returns a list of label values for the label in the specified metric. I see that there's a regex to pull out a piece that i want, but no way that I can find to filter out items that I don't want. Grafana has built-in support for Prometheus and the concept of the variable is the icing on the cake if used correctly. Instead of hard-coding things like host group, host, and host-service in metric queries and in your panel titles, you can use variables in their place. The variable should be used in the Min interval setting, and for the grouping we verify that $__interval is used. To create a global regular expression: This seems to work with the latest version of Grafana and Loki. Checkmk has an integrated graphing system with comprehensive features for visualizing and storing of metrics. If you do not want Grafana to do this automatic regex escaping and formatting, you must do one of the following: Turn off the Multi-value Include All option options. In addition to the metric and log queries shown above, the Azure Monitor plugin supports Azure Resource Graph queries. For example, if an element's padding-left was 10px then the following code would result in a total padding-left of 25px. regex: (default '') Regex expression to filter or capture specific parts of the names returned by your data source query. Advanced variable format options. In plain English, it provides you with tools to turn your time-series database (TSDB) data into beautiful graphs and visualizations. Unfortunately, in the template menu, I cannot run a regex on that string, because when I fill "Variable Values Query" with "icinga. To create a new variable, go to your Grafana dashboard settings, navigate to the Variable option in the side-menu, and then click the Add variable button. As part of this, we've created a custom variable list with "device IDs", called devices.. How to create a variable of type Query. Here I'm using Prometheus, but again the actual query and datasource does not matter. This ensures that new features or breaking changes in a future Elasticsearch release will not affect your configuration. Under the General section, we name our variable . Thanks Richard label_values (label) Returns a list of label values for the label in every metric. If empty, uses the log message. Show activity on this post. The '?' hint says: Regex match example: /server[0-3]/i. Advanced Grafana features Variables. Specify the query to fetch and filter events from CDF. (optional) In the Regex field, type a regex expression to filter or capture specific parts of the names returned by your data source query. During interpolation, the variable value might be escaped in order to conform to the syntax of the query language and where it is used. Does every instance have "eaw-1" as the second item between "/"? Hello everyone! The first thing you'll notice is that now that we've defined a variable for this dashboard, there's now a drop-down for that variable in the upper left hand corner of the panel. Use Grafana variables with TimescaleDB. Can you help me , how to exclude below hosts on templating regex option ansys001.example.local net001.example.local . Grafana Variable Regex Example. We've set up a Grafana cloud + InfluxDB 2.0 (Flux language) cloud instance. Examples of filtering on the following list of options: backend_01 backend_02 backend_03 backend_04. For example, a variable used in a regex expression in an InfluxDB or Prometheus query will be regex escaped. To create a new variable, go to your Grafana dashboard settings, navigate to the Variable option in the side-menu, and then click the Add variable button. . This example selects only those time series with the http_requests_total metric name that also have the job label set to prometheus and their group label set to canary: http_requests_total{job="prometheus",group="canary"} It is also possible to negatively match a label value, or to match label values against regular expressions. So for example, say I have a query returning container IDs: And I only wanted the container IDs that ended with the letter "b". In this case, we use the Query type, where our variable will be defined as the result . Select your CDF project in the Data Source field. Thanks Richard This could be useful to be able to refer to data about the same thing from various datasources from a variable, where that thing is named slightly differently for technical reasons. Probably I can use for that the "Regex" field but I can't . This will work for any datasource. For instance, if you have a website that you refer to by the name "some_site" in your systems, but you have an AWS S3 . Hello, I'm trying to create a custom variable that has values that contains some regex expression (e.g. *.linux_load.load5", the variable is set to "load5", so I can't even use a regular expression to pull out hostnames. String: The expressions whose output is a string literal is a part of this category. The functions below will auto create new scalar vectors based on the labels present in a log stream. The setup described below is more Proof of Concept as the Loki itself and its support in At first, we will spin up a usual Grafana + Loki + promtail stack, then will add logs collecting from our Production environment and finally - will add a. A custom regular expression name in Zabbix may contain commas, spaces, etc. The variable will be serialized to comma-separated values in case several assets are selected from the dropdown. Using the following syntax examples (which is documented on the Grafana Variables page, and necessary for passing multiple values to the dependent variable, the test for a dependent variable appears to fail. For example, I have one variable and I want to use it inside of regex for another variable. The regex stage is a parsing stage that parses a log line using a regular expression. rate : Similar as count_over_time but converted to number of entries per second. Functions reference Functions Variables. As we are now interpolating dashboard and dataPoint variables, the latter one will get prefixed with __field_ to avoid collisions. A simple cheatsheet by examples. For . For more information, refer to the Mozilla guide on Regular expressions. String. Grafana Variables Regex Exclude. * and then another textbox to have either a regex (or at least a value list) to identify items i'd like to exclude from the variable's selection list. I've tried using /host-[0-9][0-9]/.writekbs and varous variations on that theme trying to get a regex to match but I am having no luck. For a full list of valid parameters see the API documentation. For example, suppose you are running Elasticsearch 7.6.1 and you selected 7.0+. I know that I can use structure like: label_values({job="nodes"},instance) and I received something like:,, etc. Variable examples This page contains links to dashboards in Grafana Play with examples of template variables. About Regex Grafana Example Variable . Regular expressions (regexes) are incredibly powerful when matching patterns in large collections of data. It would be nice if Grafana template variables could have some string manipulations applied. But I would like receive only the FQDN (without a collon and a port number) . I either get the entire series Only users with the organization admin role can add data sources. Grafana uses JavaScript regex implementation. It means that Grafana asks data source for values of variable. Can someone give me an example regex that works or point me at the documentation? How much of the example you have shown is constant, and how much is variable from one ocurrence to the next? About Grafana Query Examples Variable . There is an advanced editor for creating and testing complex regular expressions in Zabbix frontend. The idea is to use var in metric name. Unfortunately, in the template menu, I cannot run a regex on that string, because when I fill "Variable Values Query" with "icinga. This could be useful to be able to refer to data about the same thing from various datasources from a variable, where that thing is named slightly differently for technical reasons. The following example shows a query being run on an Application Insights resource for the average response time for all requests. Ah, yes I've ran in to this before as well. So for excluding few default topics I added wildcard REGEX in PromQL query in Grafana visualisation. In this case, we use the Query type . Let's understand one by one with examples. For example, the default for the MySql data source is to join multiple values as comma-separated with quotes: 'server01','server02'. Copy. com from 127. *.linux_load.load5", the variable is set to "load5", so I can't even use a regular expression to pull out hostnames. The Prometheus data source plugin provides the following functions you can use in the Query input field. Using the Regex Query Option, you filter the list of options returned by the Variable query or modify the options returned. How can i use custom variables to chain Grafana Plugin Development Hi subhdeep, I ran into a similar issue recently. In the template variable editor, I'd like to have the ability to have a query like stats.gauges.mycompany.instance. Grafana Variable Regex Example. To create a new variable, go to your Grafana dashboard settings, navigate to the Variable option in the side-menu, and then click the Add variable button. Template query to get the hostname from InfluxDB, SHOW TAG VALUES FROM system WITH KEY=host As SHOW TAG VALUES doesn't support time in WHERE clause, I tried to exclude some down hosts using template regex option. Global regular expressions. Instant vector. Named capture groups in the regex support adding data into the extracted map. The regex stage is a parsing stage that parses a log line using a regular expression. Click 'Add' to save your variable. Text. It would be nice if Grafana template variables could have some string manipulations applied. Is it true that you are always looking for the 3rd of 6 items delimited by "/" characters? Use annotations to overlay rich event information from CDF on graphs in Grafana. Use the [raw variable format]( { { < relref "" >}}). Grafana provides a way to get all labels, metrics, and queries the Prometheus. grafana prometheus variable regex, Functions Variables. You can set Grafana variables manually or fetch values from a query.Additionally, you can extract labels from prometheus with the label_values function, which takes a label name and an optional metrics name parameter. Browse other questions tagged variables grafana grafana-loki or ask your own question. I found a solution with [ [var_name]] syntax, but it was called deprecated here So, syntax like ^services_ [ [service]]+_checks_ ( [^_]+)$ With Flux, regular expressions are primarily used for evaluation logic in predicate functions for things such as filtering rows, dropping and keeping columns, state detection, etc. * time/ Another case to use regex is comparing the same metrics for different hosts. Regex: Using $__rate_interval variable The $__rate_interval variable is meant to be used in the rate function. e.g, 11.99. The following examples should help you understand how label_values . Let's edit the WorldMap panel we created in the Grafana geo-spatial queries tutorial. Named capture groups in the regex support adding data into the extracted map. net001.example.local, Regex tried : /^ (?!ansys.example.local$).*$/. Subscribe to Support the channel: help? But, you can use the regex field inside Grafana. Let's try and understand what's happening here and how Grafana variables work. The Regex stage takes a regular expression and extracts captured named groups to be used in further stages. Hi, Yes, I seem to be having the same problem getting multiple values back from InfluxDB 0.9 using the grafana templating. I tried to exclude some hostname from the templating output. The following code example shows how to populate a variable with the instances having a certain state over the time range shown in the dashboard, . Checkmk has an integrated graphing system with comprehensive features for visualizing and storing of metrics. Return all log lines for the job varlog . To see examples, refer to Filter variables with regex. Graphite Templated Nested - Uses query variables, chained query variables, an interval variable, and a repeated panel. Ok, just found how to hide specific metric based on custom variable on the graph. # Nested (chained) variables With nested variables, you can create a template to visualize time series related to a branch of the asset subtree and let users navigate the subtree. About Regex Example Variable Grafana . Named capture groups in the regex support adding data into the extracted map. If I insert my data into influx using the old style tag.key.tag.key.value, then the templating works great using regex wilcards, and I see many lines on my graph. Once a regular expression has been created this way, it can be used in several places in the frontend by referring to its name, prefixed with @, for example, @mycustomregexp. Grafana is a great way to visualize data. You can create a set of variables that can then be used in each diagram. with variable service = example. regex stage. */ regex for showing all metrics or write your own filter. Let's briefly look at how you can utilize the regex feature of the variable query to pull specific parts of the values if you want. bytes_over_time : Number of bytes in each log stream in the range. Grafana is the leading open source tool for visualizing metrics, time series data and application analytics. Scalar : The expressions resulting in a single constant numeric floating number is scalar. I have configured the dashboard to have a variable for the datasource, and now it is possible to have only one selector instead of two. Read the data source specific documentation topic for details on value escaping during interpolation. expression needs to be a Go RE2 regex string. Grafana Variables Regex Exclude. This allows for more dynamic dashboards. In this case, we use the Query type, where our variable will be defined as the result . You can set Grafana variables manually or fetch values from a query.Additionally, you can extract labels from prometheus with the label_values function, which takes a label name and an optional metrics name parameter. In the Sort list, select the sort order for values to be displayed in the dropdown list. So you can define a static variables so _check_ in your case would be its own variable. And then use Display/series override with regexp that includes var value and override Lines to false value. Grafana assumes that you are running the lowest possible version for a specified range. This works fine for single device ID selection, but not for multiple . For example, if you need to show CPU time (user, system, iowait, etc) you may create graph using this regex in Item field: /CPU (?!idle). The Overflow Blog How often do people actually copy and paste from Stack Overflow? In those cases where that may lead to misinterpretation when referencing (for example, a comma in the parameter of an item key) the whole reference may be put in quotes like this: "@My custom regexp for purpose1, purpose2". The formatting of the variable interpolation depends on the data source, but there are some situations where you might want to change the default formatting. CyBeRoni commented on May 1, 2017 •edited. Can someone give me an example regex that works or point me at the documentation? Grafana is open source visualization and analytics software. Grafana variables ︎. . Creating variables in Grafana is simple. (cherry picked from commit 7992f8b) * azuremonitor: limit macro regex to known macros (cherry picked from commit 64046e9) . To create a new variable, go to your Grafana dashboard settings, navigate to the Variable option in the side-menu, and then click the Add variable button. e.g, welcome. Grafana Variable Regex Example. Regular expression names must not be quoted in other locations (for example, in LLD rule . I would like populate values for variable in templating using query (a datasource: Prometheus). Iam not sure if the Graphite module for Icingaweb2 will work still with that change, but you can always use the Grafana module. It would be GREAT if I could match RegEx against the entire metrics path for the matching metrics. Regex'ed variables. It would be GREAT if I could match RegEx against the entire metrics path for the matching metrics. In this video I introduce you to Grafana Variables and Templates. Grafana converts the labels from plaintext to a regex compatible string. The complete query looks like: sum without (instance) (rate (kafka_server . expression: <string> # Name from extracted data to parse. I use the following query with a regex expression . Each capture group must be named. Businesses and organizations can use Grafana dashboards to visualize analytics and present them in an easy to understand manner. I could enter the /b$/ regex to match results . The issue is within the metric tag whe I try to use the variable as part of a metric: MetricParent_{Variable value}_MetricChild instead of MetricParent_Variable value_MetricChild. My hope was that I could then use the Regex value to extract out the "xxx" portion of the series, but I'm not having luck getting that to work. ua|uat, int|prer) that will be used as the regex filter in another variable example: Let's say I have a variable like Name : _type "Values seperated by comma" : uat|ua, int|prer and another variable like Name : _env Query : (returns a list of environments) Regex : /$_type$/ the regex . !~ : regex does not match; EXAMPLES. In this case, we use the Query type, where our variable will be defined as the result of an SQL query. Schema regex: # The RE2 regular expression. The value of the variable can be changed, either automatically or manually with a drop-down menu. But there are some other types: Interval (just a time interval), Data source (You can switch data source, for example, if you have more than one Zabbix instance and each added into Grafana as data source), Custom (you can set any predefined values for variable) and Constant . I've tried using /host-[0-9][0-9]/.writekbs and varous variations on that theme trying to get a regex to match but I am having no luck. Let's set our variable to 5 minutes and verify that the graph changes. The '?' hint says: Regex match example: /server[0-3]/i. As we are now interpolating dashboard and dataPoint variables, the latter one will get prefixed with __field_ to avoid collisions. It allows you to query, visualize, alert on, and explore your metrics no matter where they are stored. How to add variables to Grafana. We will use dashboard variables in Grafana to add some flexibility. GEJeli, fmc, dVSXw, jKB, TBTbO, IZtMs, LFSw, IkJFS, RKtOoM, IosP, kMn, ZAv, Epa, I & # x27 ; s a really hacky workaround but you can create a global regular names... The $ __rate_interval variable the $ __rate_interval variable is meant to be displayed in the query. I & # x27 ; m using Prometheus, but you can Stack variables defined as the result of SQL. 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