He thought long and hard to answer me and said " To hell". The Australian public knew Chang as a famous heart transplant surgeon who was gunned down in a gutter in a manner befitting his true criminal nature. I knew this as the Jason Project. You have nothing to atone for. Police had promised to take another 5 days of statements. Dr Leonas Petrauskas graduated with a diploma in Tropical Medicine in 1957, while Dr Antony Kidman was enrolled. Regarding, Fiona Barnett's story, you could get a lot of pieces together to create such a story. Chris was a brilliant young employee who went on to work for the Federal police. Other children were specifically bred to serve as human lab rats, their births not registered. Their behaviour is usually barbaric and requires constant management to stop them exposing the cult, and they show no respect for those in the caste above them. Antony Kidman was tasked with keeping child victims of Hillsong silenced. ASOPA was a cover for MK-ULTRA activity, weaponised anthropology, and MK-NAOMI bio-weapons research conducted in Papua, New Guinea. I was trying to tell my mother that I had just been suffocated during an Egyptian rebirth ritual in which I was placed in a grave over a decomposed body, while the Book of the Dead was chanted. Alfred Conlon also appointed CIA agent John Kerr (also my rapist) as principal of ASOPA. Before you go, click here to see other celebrity kids who are all grown up. The ones who like it were conditioned to be sexually aroused by it through being abused and exposed to such practises as children. Peter named his Doberman dog Satan and trained him tohunt and rape children. ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! Sydney University was the centre of Australian MK-ULTRA research. (Reuters: Fred Prouser, file photo) Sunday Roses parents may be two of the most successful celebrities of our time, but that doesnt mean they spoil their little girl. I later received a cold call from a lawyer who said that the Sutherland police detective in charge of my case washerselfa child trafficker and member of the pedophile network she was supposed to be investigating. Many people I grew up with in Inner SE Melbourne agree that LV is not well and his daddy (also called Tony) used to hit him over the head with hot nails (clavos calientes) and God knows what else Fr Kevin did to him, especially when it came to Sodomizing he & his male relatives, as children. Catastrophic Covid Vax Mandates Shutting Down Hospitals, Medical Centers and Healthcare Systems Like This?! It was built at the underground military base located near Dulce, New Mexico. That is a fabulously articulated reply and very Heartwarming nice to hear. The mind control aspects of my abuse mainly occurred at laboratories in Sydney University, Holsworthy Army Base, Lucas Heights nuclear reactor, and Pine Gap. For information on deleting the cookies, please consult your browsers help function.Learn more about the cookies we use. Youll be vindicated, Sonia, its just a matter of time. Many slammed the actress for her deafening silence. The Silence speaks volumes. FDPs daddy said Dr McCarthy was killed in High Street Prahran (Melbournes inner south east) by a Hit & Run driver (perhaps a former patient & victim) as he was stepping out of Gay Nitespot (3 faces?). A post shared by Nicole Kidman (@nicolekidman) on Jul 7, 2019 at 12:14pm PDT, Sunday Rose is certainly a unique name, so its only natural to wonder where Kidman and Urban got the idea for it. If the services of Major Louis J. MK-ULTRA subprojects were conducted in most Australian hospitals, universities and research facilities throughout the 1960s, 70s and 80s. It had to be the old church with priests formed in the original old teachings and prayers (See FSSP or ICKSP). The last time Dr. Antony Kidman made headlines was when he passed away in September 2014 in Singapore. Antony David Kidman AM (10 December 1938 - 12 September 2014) was an Australian psychologist and academic. I will now explain the link between Luciferianism and the CIAs Project MK-ULTRA, demonstrate the existence of Project MK-ULTRA in Australia, and identify key MK-ULTRA perpetrators and MK-ULTRA abuse locations in Australia. John had been boss of a fully functioning Burleigh Heads office for 20 years. Most of them also went on to serve on the False Memory Foundation Board, a CIA entity founded by MK-ULTRA perpetrators and pedophiles to discredit the victim accounts of CIA child trafficking, ritual abuse, and MK-ULTRA mind control. Australias Commonwealth Bank was recently fined 700 million dollars for 54,000 breaches of anti-money-laundering and anti-terrorism financing laws. But there are even more serious crimes againstchildrenthat I witnessed Kidman commit as a member of the elite Sydney pedophilering. Trigger Warning: P*dophilia and child s*xual abuse. My clueless mother told me I was telling fibs, and so I abandoned this attempt. That sort of crime can only be learnt, and it is the sort of crime taught to child victims of ritual abuse. In the past week alone, two people predicted his imminent demise.. Satan wants the RCC obliterated from history and the face of this earth! The coroners report ruled the death suicide. Owing to his Jesuit training, Leonas Petrauskas assumed the role of head Luciferian priest within the Sutherland Shire Catholic diocese. This laboratory will include a special chamber, in which all psychologically significant aspects of the environment can be controlled. The cordial was spiked with drugs. This lady is very intelligent, don't under estimate that in your assumptions. The mature Christian was right in that while I had gotten rid of 99% of my occult materials, this tarot printout still remained. Kidman was dead within weeks of my notification against him. Ive printed this story out, but dont know who to show it to. I was unaware of any aspect of pedophilia associated with the Murphy's prior to reading this web page here. My group leader asked for the entities assailing this young lady to reveal themselves by name. I bring your attention to a January 14, 1953, memo entitled Interrogation techniques which states: Barnetts Nazi grandfathers pedophile network was said to include clinical psychologists Kidman and John W. Gittinger who developed a popular test among psychiatric professionals known as the Personality Assessment System. Nicole Kidman's father Dr Antony Kidman dies after tragic accident in Singapore. Women with blonde or red hair were candidates, and this related to the appearance of the Aryans / Pleiadians that (as the history well books document) the Nazis aspired to. I was to run and hide them. Dr. Antony Kidman died Friday (September 12, 2014) after fleeing Australia when accused of the sexual abuse and murder of children in an elite Sydney pedophile ring. My efforts to fight this resulted in the NSW police apologising to my daughter and giving her a police showbag. Antony Kidman returned to Australia in 1972 after years of work at St. Elizabeths Hospital, Washington DC, in the Laboratory of Preclinical Pharmacology, which was involved with LSD research and served as a hub of the Scottish Rite Schizophrenia Research Program. Ill just sum it up what I had written and say, Im thoroughly enjoying your blog. I am thankful for my time with CLC Darlinghurst, for helping me to become a new man in Christ and for being the first steps to greater maturity in Christ. Nicole Kidman and her father Antony Kidman in 2005. who really wrote brenda got a baby. Dr. Kidman was a clinical psychologist at the University of Technology, Sydney. Nicole Kidmans personal security team informed Sydney Paparazzi that Antony Kidman was placed on immediate suicide watch following my notification against him. Peter Holowczak was not solely to blame for my leaving the cult. Documented in mainstream newspapers and magazines, including Psychology Today (1974), these experiments involved behavioural conditioning of autistic children using cattle prods, physical violence, and electrocution via an electrified metal floor. I bring your attention to a document titled,Ordo Templis Orientis,INTERNATIONAL CAMP, OASIS AND LODGE MASTERS HANDBOOK, Revised Spring Equinox, 2002. Sunday has already said she doesnt want it on her shelf because her shelf is already very particular, and its too big and she doesnt want it, Kidman said, laughing. A perpetrators death can even trigger suicidal ideation. During the ritual, a fully pregnant breeder and her unborn baby, plus a group of approximately 10 children, were ritually murdered on stage. These child victims were sourced from Luciferian covens, various cults, BoysTown homes, Daruk Boys Home, government and church run juvenile detention centres, child protective services, foster care, police lock-up, Catholic churches, child prostitution brothels, blackmailed pedophile parents, and Hillsong church (founded by pedophile Frank Houston). There is never proof. She says that child trafficking is run as a single integrated world operation by the CIA. Which isnt to say I believe her story. When they perform cognitive tasks, both brain hemispheres are activated, as compared to individuals of average intelligence whose left hemisphere only lights up. No one would believe me. May your truth be heard, Why do you think the laws are the way they are? Instinctively I knew not to have anything to do with this. I think its the Dad, nonetheless sexual gratification for boys was a deep dark secret kept by Brian. The Commonwealth Bank laundered money obtained from child sex trafficking and funnelled that money into international terrorist activities. This evil reign will decelerate when "legal abortion" (sacrifice of the innocent children) of the most vulnerable human being in the womb, is struck from public law. Patricia Anne Conlons National Archive file is currently sealed for reasons of national security. In 2015, 7-foot tall genetically modified engineered soldiers were filmed beheading 21 Christians in Egypt during the CIA-orchestrated Arab fundamentalist uprising. On one occasion, she pinned a, 18-year-old parole officer named Chris up against the wall. I met him, and to my delight he was everything Peter Holowczak was not: intelligent, attractive, highly respected, and ethical. Some awareness slipped through, such as when at age 12 years, the mother of my best friend Fiona LeCornu-Levett, came to collect me from my step-grandfathers house, to take me to her Macquarie Fields home for a visit. A woman named Catherine Hand wanted the job of boss of Bulreligh Heads office. Ivan Milat attended Engadine BoysTown at age 13, the same place where my father, brothers and I were abused, and where victims were recruited for MK-ULTRA experiments. Their attack came after I rejected Katarina Fritzons sexual advances which included two sexual assaults, objected in class to pro-pedophile lecture content, and exposed Bond Universitys coverup of a child sex trafficking ring that involved the Queensland state Department of Childrens Services (DOCS). Helen almost named her youngest son Romance until an Aussie neighbour told her we dont do that sort of thing in Australia. Major Louis J. I don't recall the official story as having a huge amount of victims. Blood-liners are encouraged to marry within their caste. I lodged a complaint with WorkCover. The book Dope Inc devotes a chapter to explaining the British aristocracys involvement in an ancient Egyptian cult, how Britain started the drug / rock n roll counter culture in the USA with the help of the CIA, and the links between Egyptian cult practises, the counter culture, and the CIA which was established by British Intelligence. I was taken into a national park. I know the location of the research centre. They were people from Central and Eastern Europe, from the Ukraine, the Baltic States, the central European countries of Czechoslovakia, Croatia and Serbia These people had done deals with western intelligence organisations, having given them intelligence were then secreted or allowed to go to third countries like Australia In 2012, Bob Carr and Kim Beazley Jr (son of ASIO agent Kim Beazley Sr who trafficked me to Bohemian Grove), attended Bohemian Grove pedophile summer camp at Australian tax payers expense. The whole sordid event ended in a pedophile orgy, in which I was gang raped by a group including Rosalind Croucher,who urinated in my mouth. When drunk, it gives the blood drinker a drug induced high and sexually arouses them. We refer to these bottom feeders as coven scum. Because when you read how outlandish her entire story sounds, they neednt bother, as it will remain on the fringes and confined to alternative news sites while she is considered a kook, without decent proof of her extensive claims. Delta is comprised of MK-ULTRA victims. Most Sydney University staff were Luciferians. You have confirmed my worst fears in a good way. The president of the AHRC, who made that decision, is one of my Luciferian pedophile rapists. Nicole Kidman's biochemist father, Antony Kidman, died suddenly in 2014 at age 75 after suffering a fall. Thank you for your huge contribution to the shift. However, this can result in some functions no longer being available. Have you heard that our great USA *IS* Mystery Babylon written in the Book of Revelation?? Saw nothing himself. Her complaints were regarding his alleged s*xual and physical assaults which took place throughout the victims childhood. ai thinker esp32 cam datasheet The lab at the time of Kidman's work was run by Dr. Erminio Costa, who made critical discoveries regarding the effect of LSD on the human brain. Keep reading to discover fun facts about Sunday Rose that underscore what a cool and interesting kid she is. I am interested in the integration of programs related to roses. Below this group sit the commoners who can never attain higher status because they lack the desired bloodline. They are a terrorists organization, a satanic force for the destruction of people. It would be intriguing to attend Hillsong and see what they are up to these days. [1] Death [ edit] Kidman died from a heart attack on 12 September 2014 in Singapore, aged 75. The court Jews that served the British Monarchy, including the Rothschilds, managed the money made from this heroin trafficking operation. I am astounded!! The Australian journalist added that she, Nicole and their mother have since been forced to adjust to a world without Antony, but that the . Helen was pursued by the Russians for her role in the Gestapo. He said NSW Police had confirmed this allegation and that I was the subject of a police investigation. Peter obtained his Doberman dog from another Slavic Nazi war criminal who was granted asylum in Australia. I cant imagine how anyone actually work there and have no qualms of the screams of the suffering. Wendy Thorn later continued to work with Frederick Evans and Hans Eysenck. In fact, the IRO employed him as a medic for a period in Europe. A month prior Fiona Barnett had filed a complaint with the Australian NSW police and Child Abuse Royal Commission alleging Kidman's sexual and physical assaults on her throughout childhood. Students Peter Sheehan and Campbell Perry joined them. Hillsong ritually abused children. Can someone direct me to more info in regards to the actual trafficking of children allegations? He developed the test battery (PAS) used to assess potential CIA case managers and agents. You see, I was not the first to complain to the health board about Antony Kidman. Is there something more to that? Dr. Antony Kidman died Friday after fleeing Australia when accused of the sexual abuse and murder of children in an elite Sydney pedophile ring. It makes me ashamed to be human, just reading their comments. Newspapers and army documents record that the US Army sent soldiers to Monroe for training in the Gateway Process. MK-NAOMI received CIA funding through MK-ULTRA Subprojects 13, 30 and 50. 1.15K subscribers Subscribe 234 5.7K views 2 years ago #FionaBarnett #nicolekidman News Article:. http://childabuserecovery.com/nicole-kidmans-father-dies-amid-pedophile-child-murder-ring-allegations/. So, I found a strong link between Antony Kidman and Hillsong church. Welp, Sunday nixed that idea. They used child soldiers for this purpose. As withchildpedophile rings in the Netherlands, Europe, Canada and the US, the Australian pedophile network was said to include police officers, psychiatrists, biochemists, psychologists, actors, writers, politicians, university lecturers and medical doctors. However, Helen told my mother that a group of men arrived at her house that day and ordered her to go shopping. In 1961, Wendy Thorn received a post-graduate research scholarship at the Australian national University (ANU) for studies on the placebo effect, after completing her thesis in 1960 at Sydney University, on posthypnotic amnesia. In 1977, Kidman established the Foundation for Life Sciences, a non-profit organisation focused on youth mental illness. During their height of power, the Nazis conducted Luciferian rituals in broad daylight in the streets of Germany. Huh?? The resultant article, Social Control in the Psychological Experiment: Antisocial Behaviour & Hypnosis, was co-authored by Martin Orne and Frederick Evans, a Sydney University psychology student. John Gittinger was the CIAs head psychologist. Children: Nicole Kidman (born 1967) Antonia Kidman (born 1970) Antony David "Tony" Kidman AM (10 December 1938 - 12 September 2014) was an Australian psychologist, biochemist and writer. Holsworthy and Lucas heights both featured underground rooms dedicated to Luciferian ritual and the worship of their ancient deity Dagon. They are involved in every facet of evil; as many other US government agencies. There Gittinger asked me if I like to be special, and he promised to make me special. Over time, the descendants of these Luciferian pedophile refugees collaborated with existing Luciferian dynasties such as the Kidmans, Conlons, Overtons, Huxleys, Cardens, and Cumpstons, and infiltrated Australian government and influenced law and policy. Sodomy is called the fountain of youth and is thought to transfer the childs youth to the abusing adult. I complained to the Queensland Police about Terry Goldsworthy using his role as a police officer to access, twist and misuse my private file, but they supported the perpetrator instead of me. Please use discernment! My recruitment as a MK-ULTRA lab rat began with my abuser, Leonas Petrausaks, who was an expert in sea creature poisons and published papers on this in PNG. Early life and family [ edit] Born in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, in 1970, Kidman is the younger daughter of Antony Kidman, a clinical psychologist. My researcher Steve McMurray has uncovered much more that I dont have time to share here. I am so so sorry you endured such horror at the hands of those you were dependent. Holsworthy Army Base sits adjacent to Lucas Heights nuclear reactor, now called ANSTOW (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation). And Weinstein got away with it for close to 30 yrs but the truth came out.. The Wood Royal Commission was a white wash. Commissioner James Wood covered up reports of child sex trafficking involving Hillsong church, Antony Kidman, Daruk Boys home, Costellos boy brothel in Kings Cross, judges, lawyers, Catholic churches, day care centres, and NSW police officers. This Week at a Glance February 26 to March 4, 2023. I will give you an example of what I have learnt from victims: The NSW Police were the subject of a 1990s Royal Commission conducted by Judge James Wood. During this trip, I was raped bymedia founderTed Turnerat a pedophile party held atDisneyland, and I was trafficked to the annual summer camp atBohemian Groveattended by notable politicians, businessmen and other VIPs. The ICLCJ Court has been looking into Barnetts allegations against Kidman in relation to their investigation of the global elite Ninth Circle SatanicChildSacrifice Cult. Seven babies were conceived out of this film and only one was a boy, Kidman later recounted to The Telegraph. But I forever recalled the incident in my conscious mind. I asked this warlock where he was going to go when he died? It occurs in the blood of traumatised ritual murder victims. The truth is out Fiona Child rape, torture, and murder are routinely practised within Luciferianism for various reasons: ASOPA was founded by Labour party connected Alfred Conlon, who worked for British Intelligence. It is understandable that you damn the RCC as a wicked and Satanic organization. Amidst these evil ones are also very, very holy men too (like Archbishop C.M. Australian actress, Nicole Kidman (center) gets kisses from her parents, Janelle Kidman and Antony Kidman. My adhering to mandatory reporting legislation was supported by the head of the Queensland Childrens Commission, despite Bond University having withdrawn my complaint without consulting me, determined there were grounds for investigating my complaint. Have you not know how *DEEPLY INVOLVED* the CIA has been involved EVERYWHERE??!! SheKnows is a part of Penske Media Corporation. They resemble the super soldiers developed at Pine Gap and Dulce 45 years ago. They have engaged in what I have learnt from interacting with other victims, as tactics typically used to discredit and silence victims. Ivan Milat sought victims to be used in Luciferian rituals and helped dispose of bodies afterwards. Ok, then her high visual IQ was a requirement for this program. Polish people tend to name things after literal life events. Kidman and Telford Conlon graduated second year Chemistry together in December 1959, the same year Conlons future wife Patricia Anne Carden passed third year English. 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