They infuse life into parties by entertaining guests, and this is one of the many . Karmic experiences with friend groups. Gemini placements especially Mercuries from what Ive noticed are always doing a lot at once and so much thoughts go through them they could forget some things. Fire moons with Earth mars can quite loose control when they are provoked. Uranus in 3rd is a psychic indicator as well, Uranus rules intuition however, native tends to overthink things + add on to things that isnt intuition. They may be natural leaders, but can . (They are like home). They dont doubt their own capabilities, and they take any form of criticism as constructive. One trait that stands out about a magnetic person is their free and open imagination. People with Mars in 6th, when sick could be very aggressive. Mercuries in 8th tend to have very intrusive thoughts and could make them a bit awkward in real life socializing. There is a fine line between having a magnetic personality and having a toxic personality, especially when someone tries too hard to be what they arent. You love a good challenge. Mercury in 10th individuals tend to guide the public eye with information / knowledge. The degree of your Mercury can give you further insights on how you organize your thoughts, for example having it in a libra degree could mean you need to organize and make sure your thoughts are more balanced . scorpio moons are so stubborn for no reason, ketu in eight likes to serve in army. Ironically, Ive met too many Cancer placements who dont want a lot of kids or dont want any at all. Sagittarius placements can be very social & fun.. sure but they may disappear out of nowhere & change plans because a Sagittarius placement is always moving & so is their moods. But they will need a good routine! Nonetheless, people also get drawn towards them without realising that Leos are big-time attention seekers. Magnetic people have the ability to make friends easily with their warm and honest personalities. towards where it touches. On a positive note.. they always come up with really innovative ideas like wow how did you think about that? Venus in Aries may like playing uninterested at times to see if the person is really down for them. A simple act that has a beautiful ripple effect. Example someone having a Sagittarius mars in a libra degree may be a little more shy and less confrontational way they may think through it more. Capricorn moons could have a had a connection / relationship that changed them emotionally and perhaps they are more guarded now because of so. Gemini placements may like getting their nails done or at least want their nails perfect / cut perfectly. They tend to have a mixed reputation. They can somehow make you open up to them a lot. They can be very big homey people who think too much and keep their circle small. #8. One parental figure could be seen as better fitting than the other. Protects their heart. (Check other placements). People with Rahu in 1st have a very beautiful physical beauty to them. They are free-spirited people and this makes them so attractive:) Theyre ready for everything as long as youre willing to stay with them of course during all times when they arent as bold. (Observation). Mercury in Cancer adapt to the type of communication their loved ones prefer. ATTRACTIVENESS & INTENSE APPEAL IN YOUR CHART, - The angel that descended from heaven . They make excellent leaders and influencers and treat people with the utmost respect. Remember that one famous person from your school, college or even office who was liked by one and all. If you have aries degrees in your chart, look at where it is! This is a very important quality and makes this personality extra special. Libra placements especially the Moon are very artistic and creative people, they have very pleasing thoughts they could put into work and can be liked because of this. Aug No time for fake it till you make it here. Someone we know we can go to at any time and will always have something constructive to offer us. They are somehow able to put your mind at ease and make you feel like everything is really going to be okay. im sorryy. People with natal mercury retrograde may experience devices glitching on them more & technology problems. People tend to love and look up to people with Sun in 10th & 11th & Sun dominants. Aquarius Risings / Uranus in 1st individuals tend to do well Online with how they present themselves and may have grown up with a lot of Technology representing who they are as a person. Ive also noticed Leo venuses have a lot of love languages, theyre so generous! People with this personality can draw others to them just like a magnet draws metals to it. Air rising and placements beauty is super underrated while yes haha they are intellectuals they also have such memorable appearances too. Ex; Scorpio in 4th= Secretive about family & doesnt wanna be in a vulnerable spot & secretive about how they truly feel and so on. You can rely on them for advice. Venus in leo is telling me that you send an angry text when your romantic interest doesnt text back and then send them bra pictures when you finally get validation, sorry venus in leos. this can also be negative and can cause partners to walk ALL OVER THEM. People dont forget them easily. Aries in 2nd house tend to be making money at young ages / more advanced but not always the best at keeping it. like cute ones and some of them look like i stg, cancer mars women def love to dream abt getting dominated. that it is very hard in Astrology to pinpoint exact physical appearance so take what resonates. This is the polar opposite to what a toxic personality would do. Leo moons have really big hearts ( Leo rules the heart) These people have really big hearts and are very compassionate. Air moons in 4th tend to have lived / live in an environment when emotions are rationalized a lot. theyre the masters of masking up things :/. They are heaven magnetic personality as per astrology. If you have a libra rising/ moon Im just gonna assume you dont know your worth. Water placements over the 4th house could have at one point lived near the water or water was significant. But they may have the tendency to not trust anything at all. (Prominently the front two). :**:, People with Taurus placements especially the Moon may very much love when their food is very well put together (pleasing to look at). People with Venus in 6th tend to have low self esteem and tend to make fun of their Venusian traits. But for real yall are the most intense yet passionate lovers . (Gemini rules hand). Mercury in Aquarius individuals most likely like to let their thoughts out on the Internet and they tend to be outcasted in School. A lot of people with Pisces placements also have grown up being told their eyes were big and beautiful some of these people literally have big anime eyes. People with Chiron in 11th probably grew up with a lot of fake friends sure.. but since they heal from this wound later on / growing up they find true friends later who can heal them especially Online. theyre good now, aquarius moons we get it you can pull both genders cause youre hot asf, neptune in 3rd yall make too many typos its like youre not even seeing your keyboard, gemini moons stop crying cause you got mad that the website wouldnt load in 5 secs, yall have anger issues, aries moons yall always have headaches and have to sleep 24/7 to fix them, scorpio mercuries, not everyone is out to get you sometimes people just wanna say hi, leo venuses yall love talking shit its your favorite thing, but will cry if your individuality complex isnt being boosted in a simple conversation, sagittarius mars take the trash out and stop watching anime and do your homework. Magnetic people arent afraid of asking questions, and they appreciate the answers they receive. Pluto - Ascendant individuals tend to be very blunt individuals and this could cause some reactions on other people. Understand it in the normal way youd understand the rising signs in the natal chart but in more of a subtle way + your natal rising sign combined will be the ultimate vibe + first impression. They also have immense amount of loyalty that is so immense that they have learned the harsh way to not give out so easily or better said to the wrong people, because when in love they do have the tendency to over-look the red flags because of their big ass heart but when detached they dont give a fuck. Pluto in 10th may attract people who think they dont deserve their success. People with magnetic personalities find it easy to empathize with others and show genuine concern and compassion. Neptune dominants / Neptune in 1st have a way of attracting people but they are usually not aware, some can be blind to obviously things like red flags. Gemini placements tend to have hooded eyes from what Ive seen or more smaller shaped. Hear me outttt, juno in 11th can indicate getting married online, I hear a lot of people assume aries mars= angry mf, no no no CANCER MARS will cry and piss themselves when their toxic ex dont text back.. sorry. Sagittarius risings & moons & gemini risings & gemini moons, People overlook the sign of the 7th house. Master-mind energy. These people have such beautiful intense eyes that stare right into your soul making you re-think all your life choices. This relaxed outlook allows them to work well with others and have a knack for bringing out the creative side in people. Cancer placements tend to have an intuition that they could sense when something is up with their loved ones like literally they can feel all their emotions. April 06, 2012 3 notes. I am usually a good judge of character, and theres nothing that irritates me more than seeing right through a person and their fakeness. Yeah thats a Scorpio mercury / Scorpio placement, Moon in Aries individuals hate toxic everything they are definitely not the type to pull with any bullshit.. no second chances that is unless theyre emotionally involved. There might be affiliate links on this page, which means we get a small commission of anything you buy. They will sit down and talk it out with the distressed person and do what they can to comfort them (even if that means they just sit with you while you weep). , mercury in 8th stop writing / reading sex stories, scorpio mercuries / lilith in 8th.. we get it you can talk your way out of a literal crime, Jupiter in 10th is having everyone like you and having your fans / followers give you money because they love you so much, Venus in 10th is being the hot bitch out the friend group, moon square / opposition mars.. we get it.. your mother playfully bullies you as a way of showing love, virgo placements be the kid that never talks in real life but talks hella shit on their phone with their friends. capricorn culture is making / wanting to make bank since they were 10. 9th house placements in synastry / composite could indicate long- distance / travels in relationships. For example; Person has Leo rising with Pholus opposites their rising, they may find themselves changing their hair a lot (Leo risings are known for hair). Cancer mars could be physically on the weaker side. They may see themselves having communication problems in relationships, netherless working on this will be able to fix this. People with Aries in 2nd are respectfully, very bad with their money. Body language says a lot about a person, and magnetic people use theirs to communicate with other people. People with Mercury in 9th tend to be very knowledgeable people, knowing a lot about anything. Mercury in Pisces individuals were most likely the type to shy away from presenting projects in classes and etc. (Check other placements), Leo placements (Especially Moon & Rising) may wake up with hair all over the place or somewhat messy. Leo midheavens & Midheaven in 5th career life may be to put their creative abilities out there. Jupiter shows the Husband. Mercury - Saturn individuals have an intellect that goes beyond their years. Theyre ready for the 3am impulsive risks with you and theyre also ready to be a shoulder to cry on for you, they are simply so amazing. Gemini placements tend to read things pretty fast. People with Sun in 2nd may have some drive or attraction towards making a lot of money this lifetime. They tend to have a lot of friends. (Gemini rules hands). Moon in Sagittarius individuals are prone to developing emotional connections to people who may live farther than them. Mars in cancer individuals tend to be more on the physically weaker side. Virgo placements get scared when things are going good because they think itll just get bad again. Capricorn placements as mother or fathers could be harsh on the child. They tend to be older than their classmates. do not repost my shit without my permission. Or very nice eyes, something is usually remarkable from these people. They love to make others feel special though. They can purposely make themselves believe something that is false. Moon - Pluto are most likely to have very painful periods too but check the rest of the chart. Moon-Neptune aspects suggests that you can express your emotions in a dreamy . The type of Clair (intuition type) you have is shown through your moon and mercury sign. Seriously, Capricorn rising men be having all the women over them and the women are just straight up models but know their worth so just wouldnt settle for someone;). I had no interest in this subject before speaking to this person. cancer risings have the cutest round noses.. i keep simping for yall LMAO. Pisces placements may start to believe they are those rumors themselves. LIKE I SWEAR EVERY TAURUS WOMEN OR PLACEMENT IVE MET HAS CONSIDERED GETTING BANGS AT SOME POINT.. scorpio mercuries scare me tbh they can literally ruin you with their words, theyre so sharppp, ive noticed a lot of women with pisces / cancer placements attract people especially men who wanna take care of them like no theyre an independent woman, why are people with venus in 10th so hot ok bye no for real yall be so beautiful physically and the fact everyone knows this too and most of them deny it like model agencies would love your ass, why do so many sagittarius moon have such low self attention span? also its impossible to get them to do something they dont wanna do they need the thrill & passion, leo moons yall are petty asf when someone crosses the line and im here for it, aquarius moons to the contrary belief of being detached yall are too nice for your own good tbh, sagittarius risings have amazing hair, usually really curly or/and puffy too its not just the leo risings yall looking like a whole hot babe and im here for it, libra placements have probably fantasized abt the perfect romance since young age theyre wayy more loveeeee sick than given credit for.. they always in the clouds too (especially libra moons yall are too kind), gemini moons.. yall r so intelligent?? It is known to be the planet of spirituality, enlightenment and liberation. Libra placements (especially the women) tend to attract a lot of envious people who spread rumors. Leo was born magnetic; as babies they . We tend to attract people most like ourselves in our daily encounters. Earth placements are the type to stay with things for a long time, they are not the type to get the brand new models right away. Great Sense of Humor A magnetic person makes you feel happy and at ease by cracking a joke or telling a funny story that doesn't undermine or belittle anyone else. You guys are way more cute than given credit for especially Gemini risings you guys have a fairy type of look because of your youthful aura and appearance. Also Ive noticed people with this placement tend to attract people who misunderstand what they say and at worse can twist it. If you feel stressed, uncomfortable, and mentally drained, you're likely dealing with a toxic personality and need to steer clear! Theres nothing more annoying than someone who goes overboard with their optimism, especially when the other person is going through a difficult time. This could also manifest more strictly & create some insecurity. libra risings look good with anything venusian!! Virgo placements & Libra placements tend to feel really guilty when asking for help from what Ive noticed. Their eyes sparkle bright they sparkle hope and a beautiful vision that makes you wanna try harder in life hence thats what these people love to do they love to motivate others to their fullest potential its not talked enough how while yes they shine so bright even at their darkest times they still try to put a bright face in order to help and guide others because they are such warm soul and their personality and aura is literally a golden retriever haha. Libra sun Leo Venuses tend to have high standards but also tend to fall in love with anyone who gives them attention / some love. You all love to break rules, but you all will kill somebody if your own boundaries are closed. But also remember your words can back-fire on you a lot making you regret things you have said in the past. Its very rare that you see a magnetic person sitting on their own; people cant help but gravitate toward their easy personalities. a lot of aries risings had freckles? People are often drawn to you without their even knowing it. One worse manifestation can be= Nudes leaked all over the internet or personal info they confided in someone leaked), personal advice would be to be careful and remember youre not doomed because of a placement. They attract people who wanna push them on a different path very often. Cancer placements anywhere in the chart will make the native have rounded pupils and more sparkly eyes. Therefore, they carefully pay attention to how they speak and what they say. Personality: charismatic, assertive, sensitive to rudeness, energetic, refined, creative, sociable, gracious, self-centered, arrogant, inspiring, optimistic, smooth, needy of attention, well liked, vain, doesn't dwell on the dark side of life, charming, dramatic and dominating. LEO (July 23 - August 22) Well, yeah, duh. Its crazy how some people describe Aries placements as chaotic while others describe them as exciting and things of that nature. Ex; Chiron in 1st individuals will always hype up everyone & boost everyones ego and confidence because they know how hard and bad it is to feel down and neglected. Their honest faces are always open and approachable, and you don't feel judged when you speak to them. Sagittarius placements couldve been trouble makers or less serious when young. They could have been accused rumored about in places like schools, etc. (Theory), 8th house placements generally are more open minded to the darker side of things and they can acknowledge their darker side when developed. uranus in 1st, we GET IT youre unique and different.. yet yall lack common sense but have the most intelligent random ideas?? & Ive noticed Pluto in 10th likes havingpowerful friends that can boost them. they love having things that represent them a lot! They know so much more than they let off. Age 10-30 is a good range. Cancer placements at least some tend to think silent treatment is everything when in arguments or bad spot. this can go as far as dropping close friends for their partner & then regretting it. you could suffer from something (again, general). Please do not repost, plagiarize, reword my observations. this refers to the main idea of a paragraph; south african open 2020 leaderboard; intimidation of a victim wisconsin; hypixel server for bedrock; hypixel skyblock harp macro; This is not said / noted enough but Pisces placements (especially the rising) tend to be very weird individuals who may have unconventional interests. Example; relationships. In a world thats always fighting for the top seat, its nice to know that someone wants you to genuinely succeed and sees the potential in you. Fire placements tend to get a boost of energy and motivation out of nowhere especially Aries placements. It also shows insights on how you handle anger. They sympathize through who you are and your potential. not even trying to ego boost but yall are beautiful.. why do pisces moons desperately try to love everyone and try to make sure everyone feels included? A lot of Venus in Aquarius individuals may have been addicted to being online / on the web at some point. Venus in leo/ mars in leo remember just because your crush liked another girls instagram picture does not mean you are annoying.. If you have mars in 4th im just gonna assume you have deep rooted trauma from home life & the reason you are wayy over protective over anything and yourself. When Capricorn is in 10th, the Ascending sign is Aries. They remember facts from years ago, its hard to fool them. Because of their eagerness to learn about people and what makes them happy, they have a vast knowledge and a wise outlook on situations. Gemini placements astrology creators may like to post astrology observations more than anything because it lets them express their thoughts without a responsibility of keeping order & track of what they are writing. Pluto in 10th likes when other people are intimidated by them like yall feel like you have POWER. Check your midheaven degree for farther insight on career this lifetime! They could have very loud coughs, etc. Although it's rather weak because of its large orb, I am NOT magnetic at all. So people with such placements can be your soulmate. They give off such positive vibes and believe in using positive affirmations to help others. Mars in 4th= Trophies, Awards, Sporty Environment. They may travel for emotional connections as well. This type of personality has the ability to inspire others just by being themselves. ive noticed a lot of air venuses, especially Aquarius have considered an open relationship or its not completely off the table.. virgo mercuries are usually really honest or people usually dont suspect them of lying + they usually have evidence or anything to back up what theyre saying, mars in leo probably fantasize about getting a lot of attention and pampering in sex lol or the complete opposite complete domination, i noticed a lot of scorpio risings / pluto in 1st struggle a lot.. but they never seem that way? A magnetic person is confident in themselves, and theyre comfortable receiving criticism from other people. People with Mercury in 8th (Or Scorpio Mercury) tend to hide their secrets & own thought very well. Check out my terms on reposting and plagiarism here . like lip gloss!! A magnetic person has this fantastic ability of being able to make you feel like you're the only person in the room. Someone with a magnetic personality will encourage you to open up about your ambitions and dreams, and they will give you that little nudge in the right direction. At worse it could manifest for example as home not looking safe, for example holes in the walls. As much positive energy as they give out, they receive back from seeing your interest and change in mindset. Or at least itll tell you how you want to be seen. When talking to a person who has that x-factor, you can rest assured there are no lies or ulterior motives. Sagittarius mercuries / Moons have a very beautiful and happy way of communicating from what Ive seen reading through their texts or listening to them usually brights up peoples mood. Fire moons can easily fall into the wrong crowd. Neptune in 10 | 1st individuals be careful of copycats you may say you are aware but these placements tend to not notice when people mimic them until later on. Their charismatic and passionate outlook on life makes people more than happy to follow their lead. Scorpio + Leo in a chart can make someone prone to being easily jealous. Make sure people dont take advantage of you because of this. theyre not the type to go over the top, sagittarius mars are usually really protective over their friends, just something ive noticed but theyre really protective + theyre never scared to stand up for themselves or others. People with Sagittarius placements usually have a prominent nose shape, a lot tend to have button noses. cancer mercuries can be kind of passive when theyre angry in communication.. like they will be like k ok.. capricorn + gemini in a chart= someone that gets irritated from peoples idiotic acts easily , sagittarius mars love partying?? 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