Many of the capital ships the player faces can also be piloted by the player as long as they have the right reputation with the corresponding faction. You can be a merchant, pirate, a rebel, or you can be everything. When doing so, the current value of your ship is also deducted from the cost of the ship you wish to purchase. It's up to you to piece together the clues as to what happened to her, while simultaneously surviving and thriving in the area. I wonder if I'm missing something, but can you not check the price you bought a commodity for? Also I find it weird that a green buy price means that it's higher than average, and red is lower. Personally I like the Arcturus. Confused about progression. Get a jump drive early as you can. Was just curious as to what ships others have been using, and what sort of progression people were making from the hammerhead up. I really don't beleive the few extra broadsides/turrets is worth the tradeoff. Rebel Galaxy and Rebel Galaxy Outlaw Wikis are joining forces! As for missiles, the ImRec and Swarm launchers are always my go-to. That way, you'll be making a hard 180 while still maintaining your speed. What I'm getting at, then, is that the Sonora can and will carry you throughout your entire time inRebel Galaxy Outlaw. Your ship will turn faster if you slow it down. Ending the fight quickly should be your priority, so keep your guns firing at all costs. As for reprioritizing your targets, here are my hard and fast rules. The player can only operate one ship at a time, but they can trade in their ship and buy a different model at any ship dealer. Quite low on tech though. In general Turrets come in three main types: Projectile, Beam and Missile. Ship Progression Was just curious as to what ships others have been using, and what sort of progression people were making from the Hammerhead up. yes, you get your 90K back, so basically it's very hard to go bankrupt, unless you do some bad trading runs, everything sells at 100% value at this game, including ships, weapons, whatever. It also works at long range from a pulse so if you uncover a bounty, you know which group of ships it is. Their missions are available at all stations except Red Devils'. Utilities ; By ExhaustBearing . The horus Heresy James Swallow NEMESIS War within the shadows original scan by Undead edited by fractalnoise vl.4 (2013.05) The Horus Heresy It is a time of legend. If you don't mind a lot of extra after-market cost, the best overall ship in Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is probably the Durston. There's no better ship in the game so long as you're willing to deal with the up-front cost of equipping it properly. This variable speed is especially important if you are chasing a Pirate Lord; while far away at your top speed you can easily catch up to them, but once you get within close radar range your ship will slow down significantly. Most of them are better than the same, generally available, component or weapon. And it certainly isn't both logical to assume and blatantly obvious when you actually pay attention. Your only options are to either catch him when he's close to a station and therefore not in warp (a very rare occurance) or predict his route, get in front of him and stop, so he effectively almost crashes into you. 103-- View mod page; View image gallery; Rebel_Galaxy. Try maybe a station of a different faction. The Durston doesn't have the acceleration to escape hostile situations fast enough. Keep in mind that will still only increase affiliation with Mercenaries Guild, not the respective employer. Steam Community :: Guide :: The Ships of Rebel Galaxy from (i used dumbfires up until mk5. Share to Quora. I guess that does make sense when you put it that way. I'm wondering if there might also be faction-specific ships. As a. Finally - join the merchant's guild! Even if you don't do a ton of damage to the enemy's hull, some damage is better than none if it's consistent. I've generally found it most useful to set their tactics to go after the enemy I'm targeting so that they'll assist with capital ships. At least the developers are listening to feedback about the controls and are actively patching the game, though. Rebel Galaxy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Also, HOT PRO TIP: There is no reverse on your ship do not fly into what you thinking is an opening in a piece of space junk, you will get stuck for 15 minutes after finishing a big mission and have to clip your way back out. Also, you'll need different power allocation setups depending on the number of opponents you're facing. For lower-power ships like the Platypus, Sonora, and SandHawk, my preferred setup is at least: For the SandHawk, the fourth weapon hardpoint is up to you, but I'd recommend something with a fast fire rate and low downtime. Plan accordingly. Warp Drives is your long-distance engine, and you'll be using it a lot. Korians, Murath, Greel, DoubleJacks, Viriax. Privacy Policy. (For some reason I didn't look up too the top of the screen for hours and just thought start brought up system setting only. I did some quick testing, and found that my Mastadon turns about 50% faster at 25% engine power compared to when it is at 100% power. I don't remember the AC3 ship combat being especially great with kb/m but if you liked it then you'll have no problem here. It's got immense defense, both in its armor and its shield capabilities. Or, if your ship has two turrets on either side, you may want to mix things up so you have a mirrored turret configuration on the left and right sides. When you switch to Turret mode your Broadsides will not fire on their own but the turrets will fire at their full rate than that when they are automatically controlled, however sustained fire will overheat them and you will not be able to shoot them again for some time until they cool down. Exit the station then dock again. Those rules are: Unlike more granular space simulators,inRebel Galaxy Outlaw, your only real economy games are damage optimization, power consumption, and rocket/deployable count. Will it take down a similarly equipped SandHawk or Coyote? However, know that Bountied pirates never fly alone so make sure you hunt them with a good ship. Your cargo hold, tactical, mission log, ship menus are accused by pressing start and using RB and LB to cycle menus. To protect your ship from destruction it has several layers of protection. Fast as hell and it's great for tailing behind other ships and letting your turrets do the work. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. The way to do it is by planning ahead and having a buffer of at least 200 affiliation points with the Militia when about to transition from hostile to neutral or from neutral to friendly with the Red Devils to offset the affiliation drop that you'll get. Those first three are linked at the hip. You will spend countless hours maneuvering your ships to the battle or fleeing from enemy ships. The best cargo expansion. This isn't a skill I can teach in text, though. Steam Community :: Guide :: The Ships of Rebel Galaxy from (i used dumbfires up until mk5. The voyage of the best ship is a zigzag line of a hundred tacks. E.g. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Can be quite tough to beat, due to escort. Play as a mercenary, a trader, a pirate, or whatever mix of the three you feel fits you best. Feel free to attack any of them on sight for the bounty, cargo or whatever other reason. My progression was Hammerhead > Icarus > Sturville > Blackgate. If you take a fight that suddenly turns sour, I'm sorry to say you're probably dead. You are going to exchange your ship with an other, so the real cost is the difference between them. It's fine to want to buy the biggest ship in the universe, but saving your money to jump a step in the list ships achieve nothing here if you have empty turret mounts. The Beluga is a more specialized, combat-oriented variant on the classic Durston, with three turret hardpoints at the cost of missiles and cargo space. These ships are also the most maneuverable in the game and can turn at 110 m/s. Your conformity explains . Showing 1 - 10 of 10 comments. !where he shows all of the various types of ships you can fl. Your only weakness is the lower strength of your hull and the small size of your cargo hold. (deleted this from another thread, seemed more suited here). The player can only operate one ship at a time, but they can trade in their ship and buy a different model at any ship dealer. Also I don't think you can check the prices you bought stuff for. Though you could still go there for the bounty. Rebel Galaxy Outlaw Ships are the core feature of Rebel Galaxy Outlaw. It's a super easy way to expand your cargo hold space by a lot. Affiliation points are lost when capital ships of a faction are killed, this means fighter craft do not count. Jump Drive is the engine system needed to go through Jump Gates between systems. Piloting a Sandhawk is like a delicate, fast-paced dance. and our Upgrading your turrets (all of them) should come. MK4 Tac Beams, MK4 mining beams for all turrets, MK4 shield, MK3 armor. meh I got the blackgate earlier it's pretty much easy mode. get the broadside lasers to the highest mk you can get (best broadside by far) step 2) get the damocles. Fun story behind purchasing it: I was running my Tennhausen with MK4 everything just about. Something the game never explains as far as I can tell - on the map if you point at a station it will tell what kind of economy operates on that station. In Rebel Galaxy Outlaw, your mission isn't to conquer all of space. Note that this price list does not automatically update for you; you have to dock at the station again to get an updated list. So you don't have to toggle your acceleration up and down and can help match speed with other frigates. I personally really like the Tennhausen. A better tractor ensures you can scoop up salvage from far away, of course, but a good Radar system makes dogfights much more bearable. Every projectile inRebel Galaxy Outlaw, whether it's energy or physical, has a travel time. In both cases, I think a 50:50 split between energy and projectile is ideal. Very useful activity. You start neutral to them so can dock at their stations. Key to any engagement is how you manage which systems receive the most power and which you let lay fallow. All content has already been imported and both wikis will reside as one over here. Gaining affiliation with Militia means completing missions for them. Before you start any commodity trading you should fly to and dock in several stations that are close to each other to get their price lists, then undock and go to your Map; hovering over the station on the map will show their In-Stock and Out-Of-Stock prices. I'm not sure about this but I think mining station sell the kinds of stuff you would expect there while a criminal station will deal in contraband). @khessed: The prices are green because they are also your sell prices, so being above market would be good. { n="SHIELD_MULT", t="FLOAT", v=1.3999999761581 }, These are weapons and components that are dropped when you kill various enemies. I did the Cofax "Dreadnought Assault" mission and ended up looting a MK6 turret off of the dreadnought. Your ship has several weapon systems available. #1. In more realistic combat at longer ranges with smaller targets, the actual DPS rate is the damage-per-shot divided by the Charge time; you need a full charge to be able to hit anything smaller than a Destroyer at any kind of decent range. This will probably be even more important as you move into larger, slower, less maneuverable ships. Using the Gamepad. It's the largest and it has the most firepower. That's one thing the controller setup isn't too great for, but otherwise, there isn't much in this game that requires a whole lot of precision. The Durston should focus less on its shields and more on its engines, helping you keep the smaller enemy in sight whenever possible. Like the Sequoia to the Sonora, the Dingo is essentially a straight upgrade to the standard-issue Coyote. You can switch between five different speed settings: 0, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. Right? Ship which stays for long. Affiliation should improve as you complete optional missions and respond to distress signals. Feel free to take on missions that make you attack any of them. Deflectors are an additional type of shield that can, on command, absorb a notable amount of damage for a short duration before entering a cooldown period. It may be a list of bounties in the system, a dead drop location, a rich mining field or a list of stock prices at all stations in the system. Rebel Galaxy appears complicated out of the gate, but it hits a steady pace after some acclimating to the ship controls and menu-based features like upgrade shops and the commodity market. They are meant for general combat and although they can have fast projectile speeds they can have difficulty hitting Fighter Craft that aren't flying in a straight line towards or away from you. You can drop out of warp manually, and you will be kicked out of warp if you get too close to something. Your best bet is probably rebels and Phoenix team with Ackbar's Capital. It is highly recommended to become at least neutral to them due to the ease of traveling that this brings: warping out when near their ships; plus of course giving that many more stations to dock and trade and repair/rearm at. And all of them will be employing this tactic. An exception is mining zones near nebulae, as the ships won't register a signal to your pulse. Exit warp less than 100sm (ideally ~20sm) before contact and do a pulse scan. Turrets are incredibly effective damage dealers in the right hands, and coupled with the Beluga's heavy armor and shield capacity, you'll have plenty fo time to switch between them as you're swarmed by smaller, faster ships. For instance, if a particular turret is best suited to taking out fighters, you may want to set it to fighters only. Sold that puppy and jumped from 500k in the bank to 7 mil. So if you want to run missions that will improve your standing with a faction that is hostile to you (for example, if you want to be a pirate but all the pirate factions hate you), you can pick those up at a 'diplomatic' station. You have several methods of doing this at your disposal. October 20, 2015 rev shows the polaris, a middle sized dreadnaught that packs a punch! Shields are your first main line of defense. And that's our guide to ships inRebel Galaxy Outlaw. Published Aug 8, 2021. There are a few reasons to split damage duty, but the most important is that energy weapons have no downtime. In Space is where the main action happens where you can fly between stations, fight enemy ships, raid traders, mine resources from asteroids, explore etcthere are many options. You can download the catalogs in PDF format and consult them for parts and accessories sells a number of Skeeter boat parts, including trolling motors, switches and boat covers. Originally posted by VioletZer0: Mastadon was the ship I got after the first one. Financial gain is going to be the most important aspect of the game for you at least initially. Then you can pepper them of their fire and still have an escape option if one becomes necessary. All that said, even with a fully kitted Platypus top-tier armor, shields, powerplant, etc. { n="HULL_MULT", t="FLOAT", v=2.2000000476837 }, Play as a mercenary, a trader, a pirate, or whatever mix of the three you feel fits you best. The only factions of interest in Rebel Galaxy are Citizenry, Militia, Red Devils and the Merchant and Mercenaries guilds. These are transponders that you need to hack in order to get the info they contain. It'll transfer to whatever ship you buy next, and will pay for itself in both credits and damage output. The player can upgrade to any ship provided they have enough funds. How is this game compared to elite dangerous? The one problem you will run into with a Durston is overcommitment. For that second point, use these tactics as a baseline. Pirate Lords have high bounties and often carry at least one piece of ship equipment, so they are well worth the effort. Then bring down the shields, hull and most of the health of the target ship, then position yourself so that the target ship is between you and other enemies (or friendlies) with the damaged side facing them. And by the end of Boba Fett's season, Din finds himself a new ship, as well as a new quest, with The Armorer explaining that he must be washed within "the living waters beneath the mines of. While in Broadside mode your turrets will automatically target and fire on enemy ships at a slow rate, roughly half of what is shown on their market stats. Not sure whether it's the best since this game since I haven't tried all dreadnoughts yet. Buy upgrades left and right and feel free to sell stuff back later to buy your fancy new ship/upgrade. That divided and rebel mind, that distrust of a sentiment because our . { n="SHIELD_RECHARGE", t="FLOAT", v=0.0 }. In the ship equipment screen at a station each turret has to be individually purchased and equipped. Unless you plan to do a long-range bombing run against a Starbase with the Antimatter Probes this turret type isn't really recommended. Also some missions, especially for the Red Devils may lead to it. It's a bit up to your playstyle and what you're using it against. Each Mining Scow that survives will give you a separate reward. It's relatively agile for the thickness of its hull. Changing affiliation from hostile to neutral or from neutral to friendly with Militia will lose you 200 points with the Red Devils. The best powerplant. How is this game with mouse and keyboard? Broadsides are a set of heavier cannons on the sides of every ship. You can keep using older ships for a longer period of time and upgrade the weapons, defense and components accordingly. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Rebel Galaxy - best ship + best equipment Marcel Zocker 1.2K subscribers Subscribe 139K views 6 years ago In this video i will show you the best ship (Blackgate) with all the best equipment. Turrets are a set of supposedly weaker guns that give 360 degree coverage of your ship. One very crucial tactic to be aware of: if you fire the Particle Laser to just before the point of overheat (so you don't trigger the emergency cooldown) and release the trigger, but then immediately press it again, the reload time and the charge-up time can be done while the weapons are cooling down. Your turret placement is going to depend on what you're trying to accomplish, too. Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is an open-world space combat adventure game, spread across the nearly 40 systems of the Dodge Sector. So if in a pinch kill off the fighters and run from the Capitals to keep affiliation. As for which weapons to use, that depends entirely on the power supply your ship has on hand. They can give you a short quick burst of extra speed, a percentage multiplier of what you can currently go. To be able to handle combat you need to understand the ship systems you have available. Put too much energy into your weapons, and suddenly you move at a snail's pace. That is, they'll fly straight for you, shooting with every gun on their ship, then fly away for a few seconds before repeating the pattern. Secondary Weapons are a set of additional weapons for occasional fire, such as powerful torpedoes that can quickly finish of capital ships and defensive flak batteries that can damage enemy fighters and shoot down enemy missiles. Dravius: similar to Icarus to Scarab, just more of the same sacrifices. 20ish hours into . The Coyote, the very best (at combat) there is. Rebel Galaxy Outlaw doesn't offer the largest customization suite, but there's enough here to make a few worthwhile builds that follow a core set of rules. Finding bounties can be done either by accident, by finding a transponder with bounty info or by bribing a bartender to give you a few targets. Ring & Reserve Can't wait to get your hands on this? You want the best armor and shields money can buy. So you don't have to toggle your acceleration up and down and can help match speed with other frigates. Two turret hardpoints won't breach the shields of endgame enemies before their friends rip you apart. Equip your scow with a Cargo Extender 1 (the only version you can use), and you'll have a respectable 14 units of cargo space. Keep an eye on your ship's radar, and you should be able to tell which ship just buzzed by you. The main classification for ships, defining the usefulness of the ship in its given role. Hammerhead -> Mastadon -> Tennhausen -> Arcturus. Transponders for which you fail the hacking event will reset when you jump out of the system and return. can reach around 30k) and coincidentally some bounties there cash out about the same so it's best to do it in heavily populated areas. That said, every ship has its place, and though some are better than others at certain tasks, you can make thousands upon thousands of credits with any of them. Take a shot every few seconds to make sure you're going to hit them, and once you're satisfied with your practice, send them to hell. One of the absolutely best situations for making a lot of money quickly is if you have one station with a high-demand event like Famine, and another close-by station with a wide variety of goods (preferably Scientific) with a Market Glut event. Well, my friend, the Blood Eagle is for you. You can brake to a stop, but then you cannot backup, hopefully they'll patch in a reverse gear. You play as Juno Markev and live the multiple lives of an outlaw in Rebel Galaxy Outlaw. We update our news regularly with Rebel Galaxy Outlaw news including features and oh so many explosions Updated FAQ! Outsider stations are typically where you can find missions that will raise your cartel faction rep. Once you're at least neutral with the cartel, you'll be able to gain access to their outposts which will give you access to more cartel missions and some exclusive equipment. No matter how well-equipped your spaceship, without a working knowledge of how to fight, you won't last long inRebel Galaxy Outlaw's Dodge Sector. After spending a couple of hours with Rebel Galaxy today, it hit me that this game has quite a bit more depth and breadth to it than I anticipated. My earliest statement still stands despite these last quibbles. swgoh best rebel team swgoh best rebel team. Noob). Getting more rep with them will unlock even bigger storage units and the biggest trade ships. Not that you absolutelycan't complete the game with just the starter ship, but unless you're a master of evading fire, you won't have the DPS required for the later missions. Free shipping for many products! You can destroy asteroids with any weapon, however Mining Laser turrets combined with a special scanning component will yield the most ore. Know that the majority of asteroids don't contain any useful ores to sell. I've included their details below, and while my overall estimation of each ship remains the same, I'll briefly discuss how each refit differs. You don't want to sacrifice too much of the speed that gives you an advantage, but without the means to pump up your defenses, you won't last long in many of the fights the game throws at you. I eventually escaped but it would have been really annoying to reload and reset my mission progress. Because every piece of potential cargo in the game takes up a single unit of space in the hold, even the humble Platypus can haul around tens of thousands in contraband. Juno Markev loses her ship at the beginning of the story. And when you're in the thick of it, you'll be able to pick and transfer between targets with unbeatable precision. I don't think there's any way to get in good with the other pirate factions, so don't worry about doing something that will piss them off. Miscellaneous ; By Saklad5; 43KB ; 114-- View mod page; . You undertake long treks for small payouts, and you won't pay less than top dollar for the most powerful ship on the market. If you are far away from anything and everything, even emergency signals, you will go at maximum speed. They have a couple of exclusive craft but the main reason you'd want to stay at least neutral to them is because they have a lot of firepower in the galaxy that you don't want shooting at you at each encounter. so mess around with new ships and configs as much as you want. It's fast, it's powerful, and won't be nuking your bank account from orbit. It worked out quite well, so let's see how it goes for Rebel Galaxy! Emergency signals, you 'll need different power allocation setups depending on the number of opponents you 're facing here! 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