Shipping cost, delivery date, and order total (including tax) shown at checkout. This chapter discusses the presidential representatives and politics during the civil war. 14 In the North, Lincoln was also surrounded by impressive men like Seward and Stanton. Union strategy in the Civil War had been to focus on destroying the armies of the Confederacy, not specific cities or strongholds in the South. Fought at the same time in early July, 1863, the Battle of Gettysburg and Battle of Vicksburg broke the back of the Confederacy. While successful in that regard, Bruce Catton is entirely too lenient on the South/Confederacy going so far as to even equivocate on the morality of defeating the South. The south said that they would abolish slavery if Great Britain and France would recognize them as an independent nation. Lincoln us two strategies. The second way was cutting a channel from the Mississippi to Lake Providence to deepen the streams that ran from it but they could not get enough shallow-draft steamers. What changes were made? (LogOut/ He could have walked in Lincolns office and shot him. It showed the weak amount of respect contributed to slaves, and the enormous amount contributed to the wealthy. "Everything we have come to expect from Catton: scholarly, judicious, clear and unfailingly interesting." For what reason did Grant place Philip Sherridan in command of the Union Army of the Shenandoah? What were the three key Union victories during the summer and fall of 1864 which led to Lincolns reelection? Mr. Phillips, I think you told us our test will be January 13th before we got out for Christmas break. Ch. General Rosecrans brilliantly handled the task that he was given- capture Chattanooga. Tension was all over continental united states. Rosecran started by making a move as if to attack the left side of Braggs army but then went quickly the opposite way. Eligible for Return, Refund or Replacement within 30 days of receipt. In chapter 16 Hood realizes Sherman must be forced out of the South. Just like in the cavalry scenario, the South had an advantage. 1. The book begins with a harebrained scheme advanced by, among others, General Judson Kilpatrick (often called Kill Cavalry for his willingness to engage in dangerous actions), to have cavalry raid Richmond. 1861) (No. There probably wasnt an extensive amount of extra ammunition. How was this a crucial mistake? Bragg retreated to eastern TN. He thought this would force Sherman to follow him and he knew he had a much better chance of victory in the forests of Georgia. How the south grew even without slave, and how, in a weird way, the war united our country. Also, no significant land was gained through this victory. I enjoy reading more about the lifestyle of people during the Civil War than the actual fighting of the war. What were the military consequences? 17 Someone told me this was Brad Birzer's favorite general history of the Civil War. This was a risky opteration because he was cutting his own suppy lines, a move that was almost unheard of in modern warfare. Also, Jeb Stuart was out of touch with Lee for ten days in an attempt to go around Hookers army. The geographical significance of these battles is that they were both reached from the water so Grant could have Foote shell out the forts before the infantry moved in. In addition, you will need to make additional entries in response to direct questions I ask pertaining to your initial entry for each chapter. I think it was very bold of Sherman to propose such a plan to Grant, and it kind of seems like Sherman thought he was smarter than Grant. Not a military history, with in-depth descriptions and analysis of campaigns. I hope you are enjoying the book. mr.catton's writing style is distinctly in the way of a novelist, which makes all of his books, a better, more understandable read than most contemporary authors, writing about the same subject matter. I must have confused it with another communication from you. Hood attepets to force sherman out of the south, but fails. He did not interfere with them or push the issue fearing that this would cause them to join the Confederacy. With that being said, the South took the initiative to build iron clad steam boats. Good stuff. I just finished a book on John Wilkes Booth. Infinitely readable and absorbing, Bruce Catton's The Civil War is one of the best-selling, most widely read general histories of the war available in a single volume. Chapter 9 addresses the three climactic battles of the Civil War at Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and Vicksburg. 3. Johnston had been playing a waiting game and Sherman was getting nowhere, but now that Hood was in control the confederate army planned to attack. Once the Army of the Tennessee surrounded the Army of the Cumberland at Chattanooga, Bragg divided his troops, sending Longstreet and 12,000 men to Knoxville along with his cavalry. on may 22, 1856 Bully Brooks broke a walking cane over Charles Sumners head. Chapter Twelve: We will discuss each of these events in detail when we cover the Civil War in class. One example was appointing Sherman as Commander of all armies in the West. 16 Sherman marched his army to Savannah from Atlanta. Knowing this, Davis put John Bell Hood in Johnstons place. Ch. This was considered very risky because of two things: 1.he broke communication with Washington and his supply line, and 2.he was leaving his target of Hoods army to do what they wished. The last hammer stroke came with Sheridans victory in the Shenandoah Valley against Early. Chapter 12 discusses the consequences of the Civl War as our first unlimited modern war. Though, their backing was dependent on the Confederates success. McDowell planned on attacking a much inferior army numerically. It was a war that that tore both. Two of the victories were major southern ports. I am fine with that as it will take us closer to our unit on the Civil War. With these victoriesit gave Yankees hope that the war could be won. They had to do away with slavery which was pretty much what kept the south running well. He forced Bragg and his men to retreat. Chapter 6: Lee knew that McClellan would be inactive for a while, so he sent Jackson with 25,000 troops to deal with Pope. Neither of the armies were prepared enough for battle. At the Battle of Shiloh, Beauregard and Johnston engaged Grant. Can you identify a factor which made it more of a passionate and emotional issue? The north and the south had differences that could not be ignored, and there came a point where neither could stand it anymore. He combined three armies, the Army of Tennessee, the Army of Cumberland, and the Army of Ohio. I think it probably gave great confidence to Grants subordinates that he was letting them have almost complete control of their given duty. The americans were more prone to use guerrilla warfare, as well as they were not as trained as there european enemies. The governments of the North and South played a role in their success. The Civil War had a more lasting impact on the South than on the North for many obvious reasons. Bruce Catton (1899 1978) was a journalist and a notable historian of the American Civil War. Chapter Nineteen: He says that without the issue of slavery, the problem probably could have been working out by ordinary give and take politics. He also says that slavery was an insoluble problem between the North and the South. Kentucky declared itself to be neutral at the beginning of the war but was claimed by both sides. I enjoyed reading this book. On Nov. 24 and 25, Grant and Thomas defeated 16 We work hard to protect your security and privacy. Inculde the means used by each side to provide a currency. The climactic battle was the third day of fighting (July 3) when George Pickett attacked at Cemetary Ridge, his failed assault being the end of the Battle of Gettysburg. There is a lot that happens in the Civil War. You aluded to this in your answer. How did Bragg use topographic features to trap the Union army? Burnsides plan was to engage Lee between Fredericksburg and Richmond, win, and then take the Confederate capital. This is a highly readable narrative history of the Civil War. Those battles showed to the British that the Confederacy did not have the makings of a self sufficient nation because of two things: 1 the Confederacy could not handle major battles effectively and 2 the Confederacy was divided and a house divided cannot stand (Lincoln). They had over eighty ships but none of them were suitable for the task they were trying to accomplish. Before this point in the war, the majority of Union soldiers did not care about the abolition of slavery. Abraham Lincoln And Civil War America Summary 721 Words | 3 Pages. Lee then took 45,000 men to face Hooker. He planned to go down the Western and Atlantic Railroad toward Atlanta, his main objective was not Atlanta, but Joe Johnston. Appointing this competent leader was the best decision the Union made in the was. and bruce catton is simply the best. There were still disciplined and very important generals that were on both sides; the North had people such as McDowell, McClellan, and Harney, the South had Davis, Beauregard, Johnston, and Lee, the common thing they all shared was that most of them went to west point and they all were veterans of war. This however changed. 17 Grant would not do a frontal attack on Lee. Chapter 11: Intrigued by the apparent irony of their story, Rosen weaves a complex chronicle that outlines how Southern Jewsmany of them recently arrived immigrants from . Chapter Four: The profits for slavery and cotton were just too large for the South to give up. Concise yet comprehensive history of the events leading to and including the entire Civil War. I read these three books about 30 years ago and they set the hook as far as my interest in the Civil War goesgreat stories told told surpassingly welltruly enjoyable A great book for true history researchers. With so much material to consume I wanted to find a relatively short primer on the war. Lees next objedtive was to take Pennsylvania. The last army was the Army of Tennessee led by Grant. Lee soon joined Jackson and knew he had to attack before McClellan united his troops with Pope. Then, Lee split his men into 3 armies. 13 I dont remember how I got this book, but its very old. The Unions back was at the TN River, leaving them nowhere to go. Britain had done this many times during the War of 1812 but was highly offended when this happened to them in 1861. Most useful to the Confederacy were the blockade runners that brought in much needed supplies. This campaign was risky because it was a complete reversal of the Union strategy. From reading Stowes poem Topsy and seeing many people convert to antislavery after this was written, the book probably showed the negative side to slavery. Lincoln and Stanton were uneasy about this plan because it left Washington vulnerable to a sudden Confederate thrust so they ordered McClellan to leave enough troops to ensure Washingtons safety. Chapter 5: The armies in Europe were just much more trained, organized, and actually looked and fought like real armies, as to where the Union and Confederate armies were just common men going out and fighting a war. On the night of the first day of Shiloh in which Grants army had almost been driven into the Tennessee River by AS Johnston, Sherman was overhead telling him, We have had the devils own day. Grant responds, Yea, but well lickem tomorrow. Juan Carlos Buells refinforcements show up that night and they drove the Confederates from the battlefield the next day! The assaulting column fell back on Federal lines and Gettysburg was over. Mr.Catton says,it died out in the North simply because it did not pay. The slavery of the South was an atrocity, but I do not think the North was blameless. It was Grant who changed the strategy to all out war and destroying the Confederate armies when he was appointed in command of all Union armies by Lincoln. As a result, there was a shortage of teachers at West Point. Beauregard. This was a big blow to the Confederates because it hurt their economy so much. Some of these items ship sooner than the others. Chapter 11: What was the primary objective of military training on both sides? All political and personal rights would be guaranteed, making it possible for the issue of slavery to be reconsidered. Now that most of you are engaged, I would like to make a suggestion. Hood used the indispensible Forrest to break a railroad and pull 30,000 of Shermans men to him. Rosecran was in charge of the Army of the Cumberland at the Battle of Stones River. One of which were led by Ambrose Burnside. Please try again. The third way was going through the Yazoo River and land north of Vicksburg and attack in force but they ran into Fort Pemberton which turkey-shot the Union boats. He concludes with a short yet penetrating chapter on the immediate and long-term effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination: how Secretary of War Edwin Stanton took over temporarily and permanently damaged any hope of a true reconciliation between North and South by placing the blame for the assassination squarely on the Confederate Government, when in fact that soon-to-be disbanded body had nothing whatsoever to do with it. The decisions made by these two wise generals contributed to a faster peace between the North and South. Sherman would combine three armies before a campaign on Joe Johnstons army. 1. How did this lead to a conflict with President Lincoln and Secretary of War Edwin Stanton? Grant keep moving his men west hoping Lee would stretch his men out. The 5 Cent Gettysburg tribute stamp is in mint state condition. But, in 1863, the Southern cause was looking hopeful. During the War, the South saw Six different secretaries of war. Lincoln just eventually decided to surround the Southern coast. Md. Without these three victories which rose the spirits of the Northerners, Lincoln probably would not have been re-elected and the next President probably would have ended the war. vividly traces one of the most moving chapters in American history, from the early division between the North and the South to the final surrender of Confederate troops. Major Robert Anderson and General Beauregard were the commanders in the Battle of Fort Sumter. As a result, it has progressed for over ten years. Railroads and roads were not good enough to move what little supplies the South could produce, and they could not be maintained or improved because of the lack of funds and supplies to do so. How was it a bitter victory for the South? Another example of industry growth for the North because of the war was the iron works industry, specifically Pittsburgh. 15 Lincoln was running for relection. Catton puts a very large emphasis on the role slavery played leading up to the Civil War. . There was increased immigration from Europe that would have helped farming even without the new innovations. Chapter Eleven: Mr. Catton makes it obvious that Davis was always in control. Have a great break and Merry Christmas!!! The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 probably made people in the North look into slavery more and see how bad it was. An interesting fact, General Beauregard was a student of Major Andersons at West Point. While Sherman was making his way from Tennessee to Atlanta, Davis made a decision that he would probably regret later. 1961 First Edition The Coming Fury Bruce Catton Civil War Trilogy #1 Near . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Picture History Of The Civil War ~ Bruce Catton ~ Easton Press Leather at the best online prices at eBay! After learning about the civil war, he decided to write the story about the war. Grant got his first recognition when he took Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. He was either going to take Atlanta by making the Confederates retreat, or making them come and fight out in the open. The officers and soldiers would be seen fist fighting or challenge each other to duels. The north had no way of being successful with their navy until they replaced the sail boats with ironclad boats. The first chapter of this book was an introduction to the causes of the civil war. How was Lees assessment of the two commanding generals of these Union armies and his timing a key to victory? Mr. Catton says the Federals went through an Industrial Revolution in the span of 4 years. The Northwest Gets Excited XIV. Lee surrendered his army completely instead of just letting them fight to the death. What disadvantages did the South face regarding guns at the outset of the war? By the time he had defeated Hood at Atlanta, he had destroyed much of the Army of Tennessee. On the other hand, many Northerners were from urban areas and didnt have the experience that the South did. With so much material to consume I wanted to find a relatively short primer on the war. Ch. The north and south were drastically different in an economic sense. This navy yard was in a pro-Confederate community and was quickly seized by the Confederates. Since these two generals handled this surrender very peacefully, it helped form the new union peacefully as well. This all plays an important role in the beginning of the Civil War, and we could always ask the question If Eli Whitney never invented the cotton gin, would there have been a civil war?. The Arab nations have threateneted to reclaim the Holy Lands for the Palestines since it was established as a homeland for the Jews by Great Britain following World War II. A period of two weeks was used to take Lincolns body to his home in Illinois and to show to Americans. Ch. Chapter seven mentions the rise of tension involved in the freeing of slaves, as well as foreign activity in the civil war. Lincoln closed all ports and had the ports start building ships. At the beginning of the war, US government arsenals held more than 500,000 small arms, and 135,000 of these were in the South. Of those 500,000, 135,000 belonged to the South, and of those 150,000, 10,000 were modern guns and the rest were old fashioned. He decided to simply close the ports, and they began building and employing any boat they could to patrol the seaboard. This key fact also gave the North a significant advantage against the Confederacy, which was founded solely to preserve and extend slavery. The Union, mostly led into this destruction by General Sherman, decided that they needed to destroy all property, factories, houses, barns, livestock and anything else the South needed. Catton believed that Booth was pretty much insane, as did most people at the time. America became a country by, in a way, seceding from Great Britain. This clarifies why much of the south, western Virginia, eastern Tennessee, northern Alabama, were opposed to the war. Lee split his army into three armies. Then Sheridan pursued and won another battle at Fishers Hill, and he went on with the job that Grant had ordered destroying the fertile Shenandoah Valley that had been the primary source of food for the Confederate army in the area. Because the south was on the verge of losing the war, Britain and France refused. Through trick maneuvers and flanking Pope, Lee won the battle . There are general campaign outlines and anecdotes of the generals, but that's it. 2. His works, although well-researched, were generally not presented in a rigorous academic style, supported by footnotes. Men in the United Sttes were eager to go to war, they saw it as som type of adventure. Lincolns funeral was used by the Radical Republicans to stir up sentiment that was very beneficial to their party. The split between the southern and northern side of the U.S. was very well illustrated through the causes and different opinions regarding slavery in the civil war. At that time, no one would have bothered to search him. Hood wants to attack from the north of Atlants and force Sherman to follow him. Chapter 15: Catton was known as a narrative historian who specialized in popular histories that emphasized the colorful characters and vignettes of history, in addition to the simple dates, facts, and analyses. The south, before surrendering, tried to make an offer with european countries over freeing slaves, but was refused. Why were the British built commerce raiders such as the CSS Alabama and CSS Shenandoah not as signficant to the outcome of the war as the blockade runners? Early again tried to attack Sheridan on October 19 near Winchester, but Sheridan drove the army off and removed the threat of attack from the Shenandoah Valley. Lincoln obliged and stuck to a one-war-at-a-time policy. The war was not going to be one from naval battles so the Union decided that they would just blockade the Souths harbors. The vast majority were non-slave owning yeoman farmers. Add to Wish List Link to this Book Add to Bookbag Sell this Book Buy it at Amazon Compare Prices. Your entry may follow one of my questions oryou may provide yourown unique insight into each chapter. Lincoln ordered that all issues involving readmission of states into the Union, restoration of political and civil rights, and the abolition of slavery to be left up to him. In those respects it does a very excellent job in painting a full picture of things as they were. Please try again. The American Civil War is one of the most written about conflicts in history. I also think that there wasnt a single area where the South progressed through the war. It viewed slavery as one of the main causes. McClellan got to the battle just as the Union army had been defeated forcing the the reinforcements to retreat. It was a great summary/introduction to the events that took place during the Civil War. Rather they had farmers and other rural folk fight for what they believe a God given right. The South was definitely impacted in a more negative way than the North was. Chapter 13 discusses the Union appointing Grant as Commander of all Union armies. 3. There were bloody fights on the streets in both of these cities between the Union army and citizens. He was normally so full of confidence. Ch. Catton's account of battles is carefully interwoven with details about the political activities of the Union and Confederate armies and diplomatic efforts overseas. Centennial History of the Civil War (3 vols. The North and the South had two different way of livings. Halleck had an amazing force of 100,000 but since he wanted to do things by the book instead of the smart thing, which was to keep his force together, he split his force and set out to capture as much territory as possible because the book recommended occupying enemy territory. "The Civil War" is a good surface exploration of a topic that has inspired countless volumes of books, and will continue to do so for many years to come. He hoped that in proving this to the South, he would crush their spirit and optimism and demonstrate that the Confederacy was too weak to survive any longer. The Trust also promotes educational programs and heritage tourism initiatives to inform the public of the war's history and the fundamental conflicts that sparked it. Grant refused to make a frontal asssault on Lee during the siege at Petersburg. The comments and test will again count 50/50. The Union on Trial XIII. Donnelson was a considerably tougher battle to win. Rosecrans army well outnumbered Braggs army but Bragg thought they could win. After Rosecrans and the Army of the Cumberland took Chattanooga, they continued to pursue Bragg. McClellan planned to go down to FT. Monroe by steamboat then advance up the Virginia Peninsula and attack Richmond from behind. Oh wait. How could the south have taken advantage of the first year of the paper blockade to prepare for war? As far was the South was concerned this blockade was just a paper blockade until it was enforced. 1. Do not underestimate the value of reading Bruce Catton's trilogy along with Shelby Foote. 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